S02E07: Kill Sub-Colonel Zogg, part 1
Session date 10/07/2017
Some stuff that happened:
The party executes a plan to invade the Eld command bunker via it’s rooftop bubble car landing platform. Unfortunately, Ovek looses control of the bubble car while descending the worm ridge, ruining a surprise ambush on an Eld bubble car. The party’s bubble car only barely survives the battle, and makes it to the landing platform with single digit hit points.
The party battles through the rooftop guards and someone knocks the elevator door open. The party climbs (Ovek flys) down the elevator shaft to an almost completely empty second level. They find a captive gelatinous cube, rigged to fall to the level below when a trap is triggered. Flynn disables the trap.
The party descends to the next level- the lowest- and begins to explore. They find a room full of typing monkeys with skull caps wired to the ceiling (room 9.) After battling some Vat Giant overseers, Marvus and Flynn disagree on the best way to deal with the monkeys. Marvus cuts the wires (causing seizures,) and Flynn kills them outright. Grimbok displays unusual agency and starts collecting monkey carcasses to make jerky.
The party finds an emaciated Eld psychonaught, also wired to the ceiling (room 10.) It communicates telepathically with Ovek, telling him that Sub-Colonel Zogg is in a different castle (or actually that he’s in the Vat Complex, inside the “third entrance.”) Marvus and Ovek judge the information to be 100% credible and are disappointed to hear it. Luckily, when Flynn returns from the restroom, he’s able to spot the obvious bullshit and kills the psychonaught.
Marvus scouts a dead-end hallway and triggers would have been the gelatinous cube trap (room 17.)
The party finds a doorway guarded by six elite Eld warriors, armed with vibro-axes and wearing ceramic plate (room 12.) Ovek kicks off the battle with an effective area attack, knocking several Eld prone, but the battle is long and arduous. Grimbok and Marvus go down several times, allowing some Eld to reach the spellcasters, and it is revealed that Flynn has a crazy-high AC.
At the end of the battle, the Eld guards are dead, but the party is almost completely drained of resources. Flynn casts Leomond’s Tiny Hut, which fills the entire room and blocks both entrances (room 12.) This leaves the DM to try and figure out how the Eld will react to an immobile dome of force blocking a very prominent passageway in the middle of their command bunker (looks up dispel magic.)
Session MVPC
- Let’s say Flynn
Foes Vanquished
- Eld bubble car and crew
- 6 Eld warriors
- 2 Vat Giants
- 6 Elite Eld warriors
Loot Obtained
- Monkey carcasses
Goals Achieved
- Use healing magic to avert death (Flynn)
- Show mercy (Marvus, when he initially tried to spare the typing moneys)