Birthed by the Necrophage

A D&D Campaign Log

S03E01: City of Thieves

Session date: 02/17/2017, Dave’s house

In which the Party arrives in Quodeth on their loot-laden galley with three goals: sell stuff, buy stuff, and release a chaos god.

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S02E09: Epilogue

Session date 12/29/2017

Sub-Colonel Zogg has been defeated, the Eld are organizing a mass evacuation, and the island is quickly reverting to it’s natural jungle conditions. The party cancels its plans for further looting, and decides to pack up and head out to fresh adventuring environs. But pack up and head out in what? The party’s bubble car is no longer parked on the landing platform where they left it.

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S02E08: Kill Sub-Colonel Zogg, part 2

S02E08: Kill Sub-Colonel Zogg, part 2

Session date 11/11/2017

If you recall, the party begins this session in a holed up safely their force-dome hut, occupying and blocking both entrances to a prominent antechamber in the middle of the Eld command bunker.

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