Birthed by the Necrophage

A D&D Campaign Log

S02E06: Exposition of the Carnifex

Session Date: 09/16/2017

The party begins this session in the elevator on the way to the Fourth Floor… but decides instead to head down to the first and second floors to make sure the building is fully secured. It isn’t, and some more Eld techs are killed.

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S02E04: The Corpselvator

Session Date: 7/15/2017

The party continues to explore the mysterious floating Eld structure (Area 3,) and —whenever the DM manages to remember it— continue to be intermittently interrupted by overwhelming screams of pain and anguish. Maybe they’ll eventually to get to the top of the building and find out who’s making all the noise?

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S02E03: The Tortured God’s Wail

Session Date: 6/4/2017

The party scrambles to learn the basics of bubble car operation, fleeing the scene of Session 11’s near-TPK and heading northwest into the mists (off the shore of Area 15.)

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S02E02: Tower Assault

Session Date: 4/22/2017

Area 11 Map

The party has decided to ascend an Eldish tower and commandeer a bubble car parked on it’s roof. A presumably easy task, considering the single guard.

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